Meeting Information

Monthly meetings are held at the Hooksett Public Library,

31 Mount Saint Mary’s Way, Hooksett NH, lower level

on the fourth Wednesday of the month, February through October.

There is a social time from 6-6:30 and all meetings with a

program will have the program first, starting at 6:30. The business

meeting will follow at approx. 7:30.

Programs are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

HGC is a member of the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.,

National Garden Clubs, Inc., and New England Garden Clubs, Inc.

and through those affiliations many other educational and social

opportunities are available to us.

Founded in 1997 by 12 charter members, the club has been an active part

of the Hooksett community ever since. We welcome new members.

You don't have to live in the town of Hooksett to attend a meeting or be a member.

New to the area and want to meet new people? stop by - we’d be happy to meet

you! Anyone interested in joining, or just curious as to what the club does, is

encouraged to come to a meeting and see what goes on. Some of our members

have extensive gardening knowledge and are Master Gardeners -

others have learned by trial and error.