February & March
The first ever Zoom meeting of the HGC was held on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Zoom meetings will continue until meeting rooms open or we hold an outdoor event.
The Zoom meeting on March 31 included a slide program by UNH Cooperative Extension Advanced Master Gardener Ruth Droescher. Ruth’s presentation was on “Native Plants for New England Gardens” and covered the concepts of natives and cultivars, the benefits and advantages of native plants as well as replacing invasives with natives to support natural pollinators and enhance backyard landscapes. She offered recommendations on plants beneficial to pollinators. Very timely with our new Monarch Waystation project coming up.
The May 26 meeting was a library clean up. This was our first meeting together in 2021. After the cleanup was done, a meeting and a pizza party was held on the library portico.
May Library Cleanup
June 5th Plant sale
On June 14, the NHFGC held part three of its 87th annual meeting at Bedrock Gardens in Lee, NH. The first two parts were via Zoom on May 26 and June 9. The event at Bedrock Garden included the installation of officers for 2022-2024, including HGC's Ron Trexler as Assistant Treasurer. After lunch a tour was given of the gardens. Despite the rainy day, seven members of the HGC attended.
NHFGC Annual Meeting June 14 at Bedrock Gardens in Lee, NH
June 23 was the date for our first of the year "Cocktails in the Garden" at the home of Elena Whitfield. Elena had done a tour last August so we got to see her garden at a different stage this year. We enjoyed her flower and vegetable garden and fruit trees and ended the evening with a plant swap.
June "Cocktails in the Garden" at Elena Whitfield's
Our second "Cocktails in the Garden" was held at the home of Elisabeth Murphy and Ellen Doherty on July 28. We enjoyed their beautiful garden and wonderful refreshments, a rain free evening and good company.
July meeting at home of Elisabeth Murphy and Ellen Doherty
On August 10 several members met at the library to plant new milkweed and other butterfly loving plants in our new Monarch Waystation. A path was created by waystation Chairman Ron Trexler. Next year the area will be re-mulched, pavers put on the pathway and signage put up.
August planting at the Monarch Waystation
Finishing our trio of garden tours, the final one was held on August 25 at the home of Karen Medeiros. Many members, spouses and guests got to enjoy Karen's extensive gardens and enjoy wonderful food and drink. A short business meeting was also held.
Final garden party in August at home of Karen Medeiros.
We had our first indoor meeing of the year at the library on September 22. We had a program with Marie St. Onge , owner of Paisley Floral Design Studio in Manchester. Her theme was designing in heirloom containers. She created two designs in her own heirloom Carnival Glass containers which she switched into other containers and then they were raffled off. Holiday wreath packets were given out at this meeting.
September meeting at the library with Marie St. Onge of Paisley Floral Design.
October 27 was our last meeting of the year. Our speaker was Kevin Gardener, who spoke on "Discovering New England Stone Walls". Kevin built a miniature stone wall as he spoke. He was also available afterwards for signing of his book the "Granite Kiss". This event was made possible by a grant from New Hampshire Humanities, our state's independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The program started at 6:30 with a half hour social time preceeding that and a business meeting after.
October meeting with Kevin Gardener speaking on stone walls in New England. Warm pjs and books were collected for Kiwanis Kids Kloset
Wreath pick up day was Saturday, November 27 at the library. Members were requested to be there by 7am when the truck came in with the orders. Pick up for the public was from 10-11am. Many members chose to deliver to their customers. The club is very grateful to the community for their support every year which makes this fund raiser a success.
Wreath sale pick up day at the library
Bell ringing for the Salvation Army at Bass Pro Shops. Bottom photo: Irene Gould got a lot of smiles in her Santa suit.
An installation ceremony for new officers for 2022-2024 was held on December 15 at 6pm at the library. The ceremony was conducted by NHFGC President Sue Miner and assisted by District II Director Joyce Kimball. Each new officer was presented with a plant to symbolize the duties of their office.
Installation of new officers conducted by Sue Miner, NHFGC President and asisted by Joyce Kimball, District II Director